GU Ventures invest in Kromnigon AB

Simultaneous detection of multiple structures in biological samples using fluorescently labeled antibodies – multistaining – is a rapidly growing market in biological research and clinical diagnostics. GU Ventures has therefore made an investment in Kromnigon AB, that provide whole solutions in multistaining.
The company comprises two patented innovations that complement each other:
SpecraSplit; a combination of light filter sets – that can be added to regular microscopes – which enables simultaneous and clearer detection of up to eight labeled structures.
FlexiStain; a toolbox that enables fast and flexible antibody-based multistaining with no cross-binding.
SpectraSplit is a fully developed product at early stage market launch, FlexiStain is half way through VINNOVA’s commercial support program called “VINN-verifiering”. The commercial focus will be on acquiring customer validation for the system as well as securing strategic partnerships with microscopy providers in order to increase sales.
– We are looking forward to working with our market launch and expanding sales for SpectraSplit throughout 2016 and onward, said inventors and co-founders Per Fogelstrand and Ulf Yrlid.
– Potential customers have responded very positively to FlexiStain as well, and we’ve already got a listing of researchers who are willing to be initial customers, said Alexander Lagerman, who recently became Operations Manager.
– We have supported the project in early stage and believe in the commercial potential that we have verified in the project. The business idea fits our incubation process and investment criteria well and we looking forward to develop the business in our incubator, aid Lorna Fletcher at GU Ventures.
Kromnigon AB is a Swedish biotechnology company based in Gothenburg with key researchers from University of Gothenburg and the Sahlgrenska Academy. The team consists of Per Fogelstrand, Assistant Professor at the Wallenberg Laboratory, Associate Professor Ulf Yrlid at the Department of Microbiology & Immunology and IP Strategists & Business Developers Dr. Lorna Fletcher (GU Ventures) and Alexander Lagerman (Lagerman Subsidium).
Contact information:
Alexander Lagerman
Operations Manager,
+46 (0)70 525 32 39
GU Ventures:
Lorna Fletcher
Business Developer & IP strategist
+46 (0)73 416 70 84
GU Ventures finansierar och utvecklar nya företag baserade på forskningsresultat och annan akademisk spetskompetens från Göteborgs universitet.
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