The StreptaClick® HRP kit
- StreptaClick® HRP Multiplex IHC kit (90 reactions). (Cat no. 6008182-1)
- StreptaClick® HRP Multiplex IHC kit (250 reactions). (Cat no. 6008181-1)
The kit contains StreptaClick® HRP antibody labeling reagent and a novel HRP block buffer. The staining protocol does not require boiling between cycles, and is compatible with biotinylated antibodies from any host species.
The Tyramide Dye kit
- The 3-color Tyramide Dye kit includes: Tyramide 488, Tyramide 555, Tyramide 647 and Tyramide Amplification Buffer Plus. (Cat no.60031-1)
- The 5-color Tyramide Dye kit includes: Tyramide CF®430, Tyramide 488, Tyramide 555, Tyramide 594, Tyramide 647, and Tyramide Amplification Buffer Plus. (Cat no. 60051-1/250, 60052-1/500)
The StreptaClick® HRP Complete TSA IHC kit
The complete kits contain all components necessary for 3-plex (Cat no. 63B8181-1) or 5-plex (Cat no. 65B8181-1) TSA multiplex staining. Just add antibodies.
Components included: StreptaClick® HRP Multiplex IHC kit (250 reactions) + Tyramide Dye kit (250 reactions) + BiotinPure™ Antibody Biotinylation Kit (3 or 5 reactions)
Tyramide Dyes in the 3-color kit: Tyramide 488, Tyramide 555, Tyramide 647
Tyramide Dyes in the 5-color kit: Tyramide CF®430, Tyramide 488, Tyramide 555, Tyramide 594, Tyramide 647
Step-by-Step Multiplex Staining Protocol
Read the comprehensive user manual for detailed instructions.
Biotinylate your antibodies with the BiotinPure Antibody labeling kit
- Mix each biotinylated antibody with StreptaClick® HRP labeling reagent
- Incubate at least 10 minutes
- Add biotin block buffer to quench unreacted StreptaClick reagent
- Prepare the slide for immunostaining according to standard protocol. Avidin/biotin block is not needed.
- Block endogenous peroxidases with the provided HRP block buffer.
- Apply the first HRP-labeled antibody to your tissue sections and incubate 20-60 minutes at RT. Wash x3 in PBS.
- Dilute tyramide fluorochrome in tyramide amplification buffer and apply to your samples. Incubate 12 minutes at RT and wash x3 in water.
- Apply activated HRP block buffer and incubate for 12 minutes at RT.
- Wash x2 in water and x1 in PBS
- Repeat steps 6-9 for all HRP labeled antibodies.
- Wash, mount, and analyze under a fluorescence microscope.
Storage and Handling
Shipped in room temperature
Store at 4°C.