StreptaClick® HRP

400 1734 

Introducing the StreptaClick® HRP Multiplex IHC Kit—your ultimate solution for efficient and high-quality multiplex TSA staining. This comprehensive kit is designed for researchers who demand precision and reliability in immunohistochemistry (IHC). The kit includes everything needed to label biotinylated antibodies with horseradish peroxidase (HRP), featuring a novel HRP block buffer that eliminates the need for boiling between cycles, making it ideal for both frozen and FFPE tissue sections.

Select your StreptaClick® HRP Kit:

StreptaClick® HRP Multiplex IHC kit (90 reactions)
StreptaClick® HRP - StreptaClick® HRP Multiplex IHC kit (90 reactions)

In stock

StreptaClick® HRP Multiplex IHC kit (250 reactions)
StreptaClick® HRP - StreptaClick® HRP Multiplex IHC kit (250 reactions)

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Tyramide Dye 3-color kit (250 reactions)
StreptaClick® HRP - Tyramide Dye 3-color kit (250 reactions)

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Tyramide Dye 5-color kit (250 reactions)
StreptaClick® HRP - Tyramide Dye 5-color kit (250 reactions)

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Tyramide Dye 5-color kit (500 reactions)
StreptaClick® HRP - Tyramide Dye 5-color kit (500 reactions)

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StreptaClick® HRP Complete 3-color TSA IHC kit (250 reactions). HRP kit + Tyramide Dye kit + BiotinPure kit (3 reactions)
StreptaClick® HRP - StreptaClick® HRP Complete 3-color TSA IHC kit (250 reactions). HRP kit + Tyramide Dye kit + BiotinPure kit (3 reactions)

In stock

StreptaClick® HRP Complete 5-color TSA IHC kit (250 reactions). HRP kit + Tyramide Dye kit + BiotinPure kit (5 reactions)
StreptaClick® HRP - StreptaClick® HRP Complete 5-color TSA IHC kit (250 reactions). HRP kit + Tyramide Dye kit + BiotinPure kit (5 reactions)

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The StreptaClick® HRP kit

  • StreptaClick® HRP Multiplex IHC kit (90 reactions). (Cat no. 6008182-1)
  • StreptaClick® HRP Multiplex IHC kit (250 reactions). (Cat no. 6008181-1)

The kit contains StreptaClick® HRP antibody labeling reagent and a novel HRP block buffer. The staining protocol does not require boiling between cycles, and is compatible with biotinylated antibodies from any host species.

The Tyramide Dye kit

  • The 3-color Tyramide Dye kit includes: Tyramide 488, Tyramide 555, Tyramide 647 and Tyramide Amplification Buffer Plus. (Cat no.60031-1)
  • The 5-color Tyramide Dye kit includes: Tyramide CF®430, Tyramide 488, Tyramide 555, Tyramide 594, Tyramide 647, and Tyramide Amplification Buffer Plus. (Cat no. 60051-1/250, 60052-1/500)

The StreptaClick® HRP Complete TSA IHC kit 

The complete kits contain all components necessary for 3-plex (Cat no. 63B8181-1) or 5-plex (Cat no. 65B8181-1) TSA multiplex staining. Just add antibodies.

Components included: StreptaClick® HRP Multiplex IHC kit (250 reactions) +  Tyramide Dye kit (250 reactions) + BiotinPure™ Antibody Biotinylation Kit (3 or 5 reactions)

Tyramide Dyes in the 3-color kit: Tyramide 488, Tyramide 555, Tyramide 647

Tyramide Dyes in the 5-color kit: Tyramide CF®430, Tyramide 488, Tyramide 555, Tyramide 594, Tyramide 647

Step-by-Step Multiplex Staining Protocol
Read the comprehensive user manual for detailed instructions.

Biotinylate your antibodies with the BiotinPure Antibody labeling kit

  1. Mix each biotinylated antibody with StreptaClick® HRP labeling reagent
  2. Incubate at least 10 minutes
  3. Add biotin block buffer to quench unreacted StreptaClick reagent
  4. Prepare the slide for immunostaining according to standard protocol. Avidin/biotin block is not needed.
  5. Block endogenous peroxidases with the provided HRP block buffer.
  6. Apply the first HRP-labeled antibody to your tissue sections and incubate 20-60 minutes at RT. Wash x3 in PBS.
  7. Dilute tyramide fluorochrome in tyramide amplification buffer and apply to your samples. Incubate 12 minutes at RT and wash x3 in water.
  8. Apply activated HRP block buffer and incubate for 12 minutes at RT.
  9. Wash x2 in water and x1 in PBS
  10. Repeat steps 6-9 for all HRP labeled antibodies.
  11. Wash, mount, and analyze under a fluorescence microscope.

Storage and Handling
Shipped in room temperature
Store at 4°C.

StreptaClick® HRP Workflow



Label each biotinylated antibody with StreptaClick® HRP

TSA cycle

Step 1

Apply the first antibody to the tissue section (frozen or FFPE)


Step 2

Develop color with TSA reagents


Step 3

Quench the HRP enzyme with the novel HRP block buffer

Additional information
HRP kits

StreptaClick® HRP Multiplex IHC kit (90 reactions)


StreptaClick® HRP Multiplex IHC kit (250 reactions)


Tyramide Dye 3-color kit (250 reactions)


Tyramide Dye 5-color kit (250 reactions)


Tyramide Dye 5-color kit (500 reactions)


StreptaClick® HRP Complete 3-color TSA IHC kit (250 reactions). HRP kit + Tyramide Dye kit + BiotinPure kit (3 reactions)


StreptaClick® HRP Complete 5-color TSA IHC kit (250 reactions). HRP kit + Tyramide Dye kit + BiotinPure kit (5 reactions)

Additional information